
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Anamarija Gjuran-Coha” ,找到相关结果约479条。
Standardization of medical language
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija
- , 2011,
Abstract: Sa?etak Every language is a multiple system which includes different forms of linguistic reality. According to one of Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) definitions it implies a language aimed at satisfying some professional needs. LSP is the result of communication needs of professionals using the language. Languages for Specific Purposes are codes different from the standard language, which have their rules. Some of the features of LSP include specific vocabulary and certain grammatical and lexical means. Everyday language cannot satisfy all the needs so loan words as well as loan translations are widely accepted. Medical language does not differ form other LSP as its vocabulary is based on certain principles. The aim of this paper is to analyze the standardization of medical terminology based on principles which will serve as a guideline for doctors and linguists in their common attempts to standardize medical language in order to avoid misunderstandings. The corpus is based on scientific, professional and popular articles and the analysis will show to which extent medical language is affected by the norms
Terminologizacija jezika medicinske struke
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija
- , 2011,
Abstract: Sa?etak Medicinski jezik odnosi se na medicinsko nazivlje i izra?avanje, odnosno umije?e uporabe medicinskih jezi?nih podataka u usmenom i pismenom priop?avanju. On bi trebao, kao i svaki drugi stru?ni i znanstveni jezik, imenovati pojave na jednozna?an na?in, slu?e?i se gramati?kim sustavom op?eg jezika. Njegovo je glavno obilje?je prije svega razmjerno velik udio stru?nih rije?i i odre?enih gramati?kih i leksi?kih sredstava. Jezik svakodnevne uporabe ne mo?e zadovoljiti veliku potrebu za novim stru?nim nazivima, jezik struke nadopunjava se posu?enicama i novotvorenicama, pa one postaju njegov sastavni dio. Jezik struke podlo?an je normi, a pri stvaranju nazivlja neke struke treba voditi ra?una o odre?enim zakonitostima, odnosno na?elima. Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati terminolo?ka na?ela koja su temelj stvaranja nazivlja. Time ?emo dati osnovne smjernice lije?nicima i jezikoslovcima u njihovu zajedni?kom nastojanju oko normiranja medicinskog nazivlja kako bi se izbjegle brojne nesuglasice i nerazumljivost medicinskog jezika. Istra?ivanje obuhva?a medicinske znanstvene, stru?ne i popularne ?asopise, a analiza ?e pokazati u kojoj mjeri norma i terminolo?ka na?ela utje?u na stvaranje medicinskog nazivlja
UNESCO, bioethics and child
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija,Pel?i?, Gordana
- , 2010,
Abstract: Sa?etak UNESCO has adopted three principal international bioethics declarations with the purpose to protect ?the inherent dignity of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family?. Children are a particularly sensitive category of the ?human family? whose rights were attempted to be protected through declarations, directly or indirectly, starting with the Universal Declarations on Human Rights. It has been twenty years since adopting the ?Convention on the Rights of the Child? by the UN (20 November 1989). Th is paper shall look into the basic rights of the child in accordance with UNESCO’s documents
UNESCO, bioetika i dijete
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija,Pel?i?, Gordana
- , 2010,
Abstract: Sa?etak Pod okriljem UNESCO-a su donese tri glavne me?unarodne deklaracije iz podru?ja bioetike s ciljem za?tite ?prirodnog dostojanstva, jednakih i neotu?ivih prava svih ?lanova ljudske obitelji?. Djeca su posebno osjetljiva kategorija ?ljudske obitelji? ?ija su se prava poku?ala za?titi donijetim deklaracijama, bilo na direktan ili indirektan na?in, po?ev?i od Op?e deklaracije o ljudskim pravima. Pro?lo je dvadeset godina nakon dono?enja ?Konvencija ujedinjenih naroda o pravima djece? (20. studeni, 1989.). U ovom ?emo se radu osvrnuti na temeljna prava djeteta prema UNESCO-vim dokumentima
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija,Pavlovi?, Liljana
- , 2009,
Abstract: Sa?etak Advertising has reached new dimensions in incorporating and exploiting patterns of message transmission on certain products and services offered to the market. Therefore, advertising has become the subject of an important multidisciplinary approach, scientific analysis and research. Multiplying the cognition from different domains of human activity along with technical and scientific innovations, the advertisment has become one of the most intense communication codes which are realized in a constant interaction between an individual and the world. In order to be present in consumer's consciousness and subconsciousness, advertising simoulaneously uses our ethical, moral, mental, social communication and other cognition. The word and the language, as important media used in advertising, play an important role. The aim of this study is to analyze the linguistic code of an advertisment and language strategies of advertisers. The objective of linguistic analysis of advertisments is to confirm that the advertisment is a part of multimedial discourse which is not realized its linguistic code, but all other paralinguistic elements are present. The analysis will be carried out on a corpus consisting of advertisments published in daily newspapers from 2000-2002. The linguistic features will be analyzed as well as the relation of linguistic code with other paralinguistic codes used in advertising
Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija,Pavlovi?, Liljana
- , 2009,
Abstract: Sa?etak Ogla?avanje pronalazi nove prostore i dimenzije djelovanja unutar kojih se inkorporiraju i eksploatiraju na sve sofisticiranije na?ine obrasci preno?enja poruke o odre?enom proizvodu ili usluzi koja se nudi tr?i?tu i potro?a?ima. Potrebom da bude uvijek uo?ljivo, ali i prisutno u svijesti ili podsvijesti potro?a?a, ogla?avanje se simultano slu?i na?im svjesnim i podsvjesnim mitskim, eti?kim, moralnim, psihi?kim, socijalnim, komunikacijskim i mnogobrojnim drugim spoznajama. Rije? i jezik, kao jedan od vrlo va?nih medija koje reklama koristi u svojim simultanim kodovima, ima izuzetnu va?nost. Realizacija jezika unutar reklamnog diskursa pokazuje nepresu?ne mogu?nosti njegovih novih zna?enjskih realizacija. Jezi?ni kod zajedno s akusti?nim ili vizualnim kodovima otvara stalno nova semanti?ka polja, ali i na?e razli?ite misaone, emotivne i eti?ke reakcije. Cilj je ovoga istra?ivanja analizirati jezi?ni kod reklame te jezi?ne strategije ogla?iva?a. Jezi?na analiza reklamnih poruka ima za cilj potvrditi da je reklama sa specifi?nim karakteristikama svog jezi?nog koda pripadaju?i dio multimedijalnog diskursa koji se ostvaruje i pro?imanjem drugih parajezi?nih elemenata. Koriste?i se metodom analize sadr?aja reklamnog diskursa analizirat ?e se reklamni oglasi objavljeni u dnevnim i tjednim tiskovinama u periodu od 2000. do 2002. godine. Izdvojit ?emo i analizirati uzorke koji stvaraju specifi?ni jezi?ni kod reklame (stilske figure, jezi?ne odlike) te analizirati kakav je odnos jezi?noga koda prema drugim kodovima parajezika kojima se reklama slu?i
Customer-friendly Approach or Pidginization of German Tourist Discourse
Brigita Bosnar-Valkovic,Anamarija Gjuran-Coha
Altre Modernità , 2012,
Abstract: If the sentences or phrases like Fast Food-Konzept in Chile, Leonardo goes Gastronomie, Der Claim Inspiration for modern living“, WM-Countdown l uft; Deutschland ist die fünftgr te Incoming-Destination weltweit und … are considered, the first impression is that this is a typical mixture of both English and German. To all intents and purposes, they support the main part of a definition of pidgin language. Communication plays a central role in tourism. As emphasized by numerous authors, it is a personification of tourism; conversely tourism could be said to totally encompass a system of communication. As it is a crucial component of the industry, tourist discourse not only serves as a medium for buying/selling tourist products, it also assumes the role of the product itself within the complexity of various economic, technological and political processes in tourism. If analyzed within linguistic norms, discussion of Anglo-American influence on the German tourist discourse should focus on the problem of erosion of the national language, due to the impact of these Ango-Americanisms. The German tourist discourse aims at a customer-friendly approach in order to attract potential buyers or guests, all of which results in a slightly pidginized version of the German tourist discourse.
Uporaba kratica u jeziku medicinske struke
Bosnar-Valkovi?, Brigita,Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija
- , 2008,
Abstract: Sa?etak U ovom ?emo se radu osvrnuti na uporabu kratica u jeziku medicinske struke. Naime, dobro je poznato da je skra?ivanje rije?i u?estala pojava ne samo u razgovornom jezi?nom stilu i u ?argonu, ve? mnoge kratice s vremenom postaju prihvatljive i u standardnojezi?noj uporabi, a posebno i u jeziku struka. Jedan od razloga pojave kratica jezi?na je ekonomija, odnosno te?nja za ?to kra?im na?inom izra?avanja. Cilj je ovoga rada analizirati uporabu hrvatskih i engleskih kratica u jeziku medicinske struke i ukazati na probleme koji se pritom pojavljuju, kao ?to su pojava pleonasti?kih konstrukcija, sro?nost s kraticom ili vi?ezna?nost kratica. Korpus obuhva?a medicinske znanstvene, stru?ne i popularne ?asopise i rje?nike
The use of abbreviations in the language of medicine
Bosnar-Valkovi?, Brigita,Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija
- , 2008,
Abstract: Sa?etak The aim of this paper is to examine the use of abbreviations in the language of medicine. In general, the tendency to use abbreviations is not only evident in everyday communication, but it is widespread in languages for special purposes. The reasons for their popularity vary, but linguistic economy is usually considered to be the main reason for the pervasive use of abbreviations. However, their use in Croatian medical terminology leads to several problems, such as the determination of gender (which is usually not determined according to grammatical rules — e.g., the feminine form rekombinantna DNK instead of the masculine rekombinantni DNK ’recombinant DNA’), abbreviations with multiple meanings, and pleonastic constructions, such as OGTT test instead of OGT test ’OGTT’
Croatian tourism web site as text type
Bosnar-Valkovic, Brigita,Gjuran-Coha, Anamarija
- , 2007,
Abstract: Sa?etak The aim of this paper is to present the web site as a new form of the tourist supply. The web sites, as a new text form, show special features when compared with those of conventional, non-electronic texts. The paper examines diverse aspects of web sites created by the tourism industry, as well as of their layout and linguistic features. The language of tourism is also analyzed on the corpus of the Croatian tourism web site, i.e. on the website of the Zagreb Tourist Board. The results of this analysis will show the tendencies in the creation of the Croatian tourism web sites

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